I don’t know what to do.

So my husband and I will have been together for 5years come May. We spent some time apart due to changing of locations and him going into the military. I don’t know what happened while he was away and I don’t ask about it but he knows I have trust issues from my past and sometimes it just flares up. Today was on of those days. He logs out of everything on his iPad and laptop but what he doesnt realize is that I can see the downloads from his iCloud...... he has the latest version of POF and Zooski. We’re together 95% of the time other then when we are at work so I don’t know that he’s physically cheating but why would he have downloaded these apps? I’m pregnant with our first child and I’m stressed out. Sunday is also my birthday and we have a military ball this weekend. Meanwhile I just want to ask WTF is wrong with you. I’m so distraught I don’t know what to do right now. He just told me yesterday when we were joking around about something that he loves me with all his heart and he’d never go anywhere but these app versions don’t just upgrade themselves when they are in your cloud, you have to download it and update the app so it can’t be from before we dated. I’m so bothered by this whole thing.