We were gonna name out little boy Caden. Ive been calling him Caden for over a month now. And my husband calls him Cade... We just realized one of our friends that we dont see that much anymore named their son Kayden...


What would you do in this situation? I feel like we already named him and don't want to change his name 😪. Im only 23 weeks so I have time but Ive been calling him that.

We were thinking about just naming him straight Cade. But that seems so short to me. Thats the name my husband was planning on calling him though. (Hes like it because it simple like his name which is Cody)

What do you think ? Just Cade? Change it?

Or do you know any similar names?

I was so disappointed when someone told us that when they asked what we planned to name him :(