TTC/Help Me!!!


When do y’all think is the best time to test to see if you’re pregnant?

I’ve been having some brown/pink spotting off and on for the last week. I’ve also had some bright red blood discharge a few times when I’ve wiped. No consistent bleeding like I’m on my period. This is very unusual for me. I should of started my period this week too so idk.

I also took a test yesterday and it was negative, took another one today and it showed a really really faint line. I couldn’t get my phone to focus on it so I couldn’t get a pic of it but I showed 2 other people and they noticed it. I’m not trying to get my hopes up but has anyone ever had this happen???

EDIT TO ADD: I track my period using this app and another one but it’s never exact. It might seem odd to some but I kind of just base it off when my mom gets hers plus the symptoms I’m having. I almost always usually start a week after hers ends and it’s been past a week. Also I’m not really having any period symptoms... like none. Just the unusual spotting, and some nausea!!