Seborrhea relief!


I have never posted a product recommendation, but I had to share this!

My son has seborrhea, and it started with his just head and face when he was younger, but it ended up spreading all over his body. The doc told me it could get worse but I took him to the doc to be sure that it was seborrhea and not a rash.

I wish I thought to take before and after pics but, I ended up washing his clothes in baby laundry soap just incase our soap was irritating his skin, which it never did before but you never know! I changed to using dove sensitive bar soap in his bath instead of cetaphil baby wash and I bought new cream! I had been putting on cetaphil baby lotion after his bath.

It's expensive, but so worth it! I put it on his whole body after his bedtime bath and in the morning, I noticed a huge difference! His back and legs were no longer red and rash looking and his chest still had a few small spots here and there!

If you have a babe struggling with seborrhea (cradle cap) I definitely recommend this lotion!

Even though I also used sensitive soap, I believe the lotion had a big factor in clearing his skin! ☺️ It says right on the box that it's safe for infants!