Successful VBAC


So I had my first son by cesarean on July 30, 2017 due to him being breech. Since that was the reason for the section my doctor said that a vbac was totally possible. Got pregnant when he was 11 months so he was 19 months when #2 was born.

Water broke at 39+2 around 5 pm. Got to the hospital around 6:45. Only dilated 1 cm. Find out my doctor will not be able to come in until maybe the next day. Doctor on call comes talk to me and says that she does not do vbacs and if it was up to her I would have had a scheduled csection at 39 weeks. Ok, thanks lady. She was ok with letting me labor on my own to see if I progress without pitocin because it can add more stress to the uterus and I’m sure she just wanted to prolong anything from happening until she got off at 7 am. I get checked again at 11 pm and was only dilated to 2 cm... kinda discouraging. I decide to get the epidural to be able to get some sleep because I know nothing will be happening until after 7 am when this doc is no longer here..Dilate to 5 cm by 3:30 am then 8 cm at 7 am. My doctor gets in, hooray!, and I get to start pushing at 10 am. Baby born at 10:42. Pushing is no joke!! I broke blood vessels in my eyeballs! But I’m so glad I was able to have a successful VBAC!! I’m not going to lie, the doctor on call kinda had me very nervous at first so I would say it definitely all depends on your doctor.