Stomach Pains all the time


I have had continuous stomach pains for 3 years now. I cannot remember a time when my stomach was not in pain. The pain is like cramps but also very sudden nausea, and just consistent rumbling. I have been to my regular doctor, had blood work done but they could not seem to figure out what the problem was. I then had an ultra sound to look at all of my organs. Everything was fine. Then I was referred to a gastroenterologist, I was put on laxatives which would not work. Miralax and prescription ones. I poop about twice a week. I was told to change my diet. I did, it didn’t help. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy which showed stomach ulcers. However I was put on medicine that “healed” them. I have also been told I have irritable bowel syndrome, and acid reflux. I am on medicine for both of these also. It does not make the pain any better though. For my diet, I don’t drink milk because I’m lactose intolerant and I do not eat spicy or acidic foods. Please please please help. I no longer can live with pain like this 24/7. If you have any ideas or questions please leave them below!!!!