I’m so annoyed with everything I need advice

I’m just so sick and annoyed of everything.

I’m 24 years old and I hate my own life.

I hate my job and just the direction it’s going in. It feels like I’m trying so hard to find the right career path and I’m getting no where. I’m in grad school and not even sure what I really want. I feel like my life is a joke and people just can’t take me seriously.

Everyone around me is finding boyfriends and getting engaged and buying houses or apartments. My friends put barely anything into our friendships and everyone is going their separate ways. I feel like I’m losing people left and right and my own life is spinning out of control. I have awesome parents who let me live with them until I find a steady job but I just feel like a joke. Everyone is traveling and going out with their boyfriends.

I can’t even meet anyone because my work is mostly all women, my circle of friends doesn’t have guy friends, AND I put myself out there on social media and the one guy I was talking to can’t even meet up with me and keeps cancelling. Online dating feels so unauthentic to me and I’m getting so tired of just sitting at home on Friday nights while my friends are with their boyfriends.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being alone, so much so that getting a dating app was a huge step for me. I’ve never had a boyfriend and never felt I needed one until recently. So it’s just frustrating because I’m ready but that one awesome guy just hasn’t come along and I’m soooooo damn tired of everyone said “he will”

As for my career, it’s a joke. I’m trying to figure it all out and I just feel like I want to do so many things I can’t pick one. I had a phone interview the other day and got so nervous I feel like I blew it.

Soo many people are saying find a hobby and something you love or go join something....well....I have sooo many hobbies, I paint, do crafts, go to the gym, and I’m even working on a mental health book. I’m just so over seeing everyone happy and here I am just completely stuck......

Does anyone else feel this way?????? Any advice to beat these blues?