Need cycles are very regular however, AF has not came to visit us. When tracking my O date last month, I noticed that I had a peak day that changed the due date of AF. I took a pregnancy test on 3/3 and it was BFN. Should I retest? When?



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Posted at
Retest Tuesday. Monday is 14 days from ovulation, which is why Glow changed your date. If you have a normal 14 day time frame from ovulation to period start, then you will officially be late Tuesday. Did you use an OPK, is that why your peak day changed?


Sandra • Mar 11, 2019
Sometimes are cycles are thrown off by stress, illness, and other factors. Did you mark the 22 as a positive result? That may be why Glow changed your prediction. However, if it WAS a positive on the 22, it could be that your body geared up on the 15th and didn’t ovulate on the 16th or 17th. I’ve had that happen a couple of times, and it can truly be annoying as it extends the cycle out by however long it took to actually occur.


Ebony • Mar 10, 2019
Thank you for the help! Yes, I use the regular test strips. I had a strong positive line on 2/15 and on 2/22 the line was really dark. I’m technically on cycle day 36 as of today.


Posted at
Test if you miss your period


Ebony • Mar 10, 2019
Correct. This last cycle it looked like I O twice.


Me • Mar 10, 2019
Test when you miss it on the new date. Yes if you ovulated early then the app will move it. That’s normal. Cus glow has a perdition ovulation date but if you do opks and imput them then the app will move your ovulation date so in tail it will move your period date. It sucks happened to me I ovulated cd24 ugh but my period date was still off I started 3 days before it said. I’m usually 26-28 day cycle this time is like 30-32 so frustrating!!


As • Mar 10, 2019
In a normal cycle your period comes 2 weeks after the day you ovulate, which is why your chart prediction changed. Did you take an ovulation test? If so then I would wait a few more days to test for pregnancy!