Invalid argument


*** if this isn’t controversial enough let me know and I will remove!

Ok so I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the classic “*you’re” argument.

Well my question is: what makes an argument invalid in your opinion?

Now I don’t know about you but the short answer for me is when someone is using sources that aren’t credible or if they are closed minded.

HOWEVER, I can’t tell you how many times I’m online and I see someone discrediting someone’s (pretty reasonable) argument due to one of these factors:



-private/public status

-anonymous accounts




Whether it’s changing the subject to point out a facial flaw in the other person or saying their opinion doesn’t matter because they’re on private without a profile pic I see it online a lot where a valid argument is discredited. Personally I think it’s a shame to have a debate turn into a mudslinging session but I also see how you might think “well if they can’t even spell right then they can’t be bright enough to even have this discussion.”

Alright I’m rambling, anyways discuss what makes an argument invalid (or even just not worth your time)