Retrieval Recovery

Holy cow, I was not prepared for recovery after retrieval to be this horrible. I had an awful time coming off of the anesthesia, puked my guts out because I was so nauseous and in so much pain. I had my retrieval on Wednesday and I still feel like absolute crap today. On and off nausea that my doctor actually prescribed me phenergan because it's so bad. I'm so tired that yesterday I took three naps. Has anyone else had a tough time recovering after retrieval? How long before you started to feel normal? At this rate I don't think I'll ever feel normal again. I called into work on Friday because I couldn't even get off of the couch, and if I feel like this still tomorrow I'm going to have to call in again. I went to the doctor on Friday for a follow-up and my doctor said that my estrogen levels were "very impressive," yikes, I'm not taking that as a compliment, LOL. I just want to feel better.