Eve Friends, Please HELP!


Okay, I don’t know how many people are gonna read this, I hope a lot do... and I hope a lot of you will help.

So here it goes..

back in November of 2018 I had my very first panic attack (only I didn’t know that’s what it was)- I truly and honestly thought and felt like I was dying, I did not know what was happening.. an ambulance came and I was took to the ER, where it was clarified I had a severe panic attack..

I have not been the same sense- and that was about 5 months ago.. I am 18 years old.. freshly married, just got a new house! My life was amazing!!!

Now.. I can’t go in public- I can’t stay home alone- its hard to be at our home in general, I guess cause the panic attack happened there- I sleep on my dads couch at night instead of in the bed at home with my husband, because for some reason nighttime is very anxious for me and I don’t wanna be at my house at all! I don’t cook for him anymore, I hardly have sex with him anymore- I’m not home anymore ever to take care of my fur babies or the house, I’m constantly up at my dads because I’m just scared to go home and be home.. I can’t do anything anymore...

my life is completely different and I just want my life back.. So bad.

I pray and pray and pray, yet I’m still stuck in this situation... and I don’t know how to fix myself..

I am in therapy.

Please someone help me. Has anyone experienced something like this? Please give me hope.. please help me 😭 I want my life back... I want myself back..