Idk how to help my friend


My best friend is bi and when she first told me this was on Halloween 2018 and that is when she also told me who her crush was and I was so excited to find out which boy she had a crush on 😐 I was wrong I found out which girl she had a crush on which honestly took me completely by surprise and like one of the first things I said was I had no idea, like I would have never known! I think she has only told 3 people me being the first. I've been best friend with someone who was openly bi and almost always had a bf or gf! And we never talked about that stuff and my current best friend just kinda threw it onto me and expects me to know what to say and the worst part is idc that she has a crush on a girl the part I worry about is her because her crush is very straight and I don't want her getting hurt even tho she knows that nothing will happen but she always talks about her and expects me to know what to say and to help hype her up about it because she is used to all her old friends doing that but I've never had a friend who hyped me up about my brush so idk how to do that for her and she says that like all she needs rn and the thing is she knows I don't know how to do that! Today they were talking about who they had a crush on and her crush said does he/she something and when my best friend didn't react to it she went silent and kinda just stopped answering her and my best friend wants me to help her but all I want to do is tell her it will never happen even tho she knows that she still talks about it like something could happen when clearly nothing will! So I don't know how to help her and I would like some advice please and thank you! Sorry if that was a confusing story