Anyone have issues with low sugar after breakfast?

I'm 27 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed at 14 weeks with gestational diabetes, based off my one hour test. I'm diet controlled, no insulin, and my sugar numbers are good including fasting. However, I'll wake up and have a 78-82 fasting number and eat a bagel with cream cheese and a banana. I'm to check 1 hour after I eat and my sugar is to be less than 140. I'll check 1 hour after eating that bagel and banana and my sugar is 80's. Is that okay? I mean I know it's good but it seems like I need to eat higher carbs in the morning or I will drop. Originally the nutritionist had me at 30 carbs for breakfast which was 1 waffle with peanut butter and a half banana and I would go into low 70s and once or twice hit 69. I'm confused bc my nutritionist said breakfast is usually the hardest to control. Is it different for everyone? My daily numbers never exceed 115.