Heart Broken 💔 ***UPDATE***

Amber • 💝

Today we went for an US, last week when I had one it showed we had a vanishing twin. I measured at 6 weeks, one sac was smaller and empty and the other sac had a baby w a heart beat. This week I should of been 7 weeks, the baby is the exact size it was last week. The heart beat was still to weak to measure. The doctor told me she didn’t want to give me false hope and this wasn’t looking good and was headed in a miscarriage direction. She also showed me on the ultrasound that the sac it was in was tilted on one side and seemed to be shrinking. I go back Friday to check on thing once again. We are heart broken. I’ve had an ectopic in the past, but actually seeing my baby on the ultrasound and see that heart beat flicker is so much harder to cope with. Prayers to all you mommy’s to be and for all of you who are dealing w similar issues as my husband and I.. God only knows the reasons why, I just have to keep my faith.


Well, there was no heart beat today. Atleast I know a lot of people in Heaven that was there waiting out sweet baby to arrive 💔

They were going to try and get me a D&C today but couldn't squeeze me in.. so we will have that done on Monday. My body isn’t registering that I’m miscarrying and just simply won’t let me naturally do it.. it could be WEEKS. I can’t go day to day wondering if today’s the day I start heavily bleeding and have major cramps.. it’s torture, I did that all this week.. hard to go to work etc.. I still have faith and believe the Lord knew something I didn’t, either something wasn’t going right w the baby or it could of harmed me, idk. I just know not to question things.. the Lord will blesss is when the time is right..