Valentine’s Day baby


I always thought it would be fitting for her to be born on Valentine’s Day never imagined it would happen though lol My due date was actually February 26th.. was scheduled for a csection on the 19th my dr “graciously” moved it up to the 15th because he knew how miserable I this point had gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and really bad pelvic pain! It turned out she had other plans on February 13th I felt like complete shit I was counting down the hours for my youngest son to be picked up by his bus for afternoon pk so I could take a much needed nap.. later on that night my water started leaking as I went to use the restroom with a extremely sharp pain in my stomach after that I went to take a shower and BOOM the contractions started.. every 3 mins lasting a min long.. most painful thing ever!! (We had a 40 min drive to the hospital 😭) after getting to the hospital and getting a confirmation that my water was leaking they tell me we’ll be having her today at that point it’s about 1:30 am February 14th after the rude ass anesthesiologist comes in and roughly feels on my back (I’m a big girl) I stay sitting on the edge of the bed and my water gushes twice and finishes breaking.. they wheel me back to the operating room where everything goes smoothly and Elianna Reign is born at 2:59 am on Valentine’s Day weighing 10 lbs and 1 oz.. she did have to do some time in the nicu because she had fluid in her lungs but thankfully after the fourth day we were able to take her home with us.. she is the perfect addition to my family!

Literally love seeing him be a great daddy makes him so much sexier to me!! Lol

She’ll be 1 month on Thursday already and I just wish time would slow down so I could enjoy her being this small a little more!! I do want to add she is my third csection (first girl) and this time around my recovery was a breeze!! Literally felt like myself after a week.. I did start walking as soon as my legs started regaining feeling stayed on top of my medication and asked for a belly binder and drank lots and lots of water me and my bf brought in a 40 pk into the hospital room and it was gone in 2 days!