
Hi, I’m eighteen will be nineteen a month after my baby will be born. I’m currently eight weeks two days. Tomorrow I have a informational abortion appointment, the one before you do the deed. I am confused, lost, scared, but most of all eaten alive by all of my confusion. My partner and I have been together for a year, we’ve known and been friends for four. He’s loved me since I was a freshman, and even when I wasn’t that interested in him at first he still was obsessed with me and in love. Anyway, we had a miscarriage in November 2018 and he was upset but we decided we didn’t want to accidentally have another unplanned pregnancy, well Low and behold it happened again. And here I am. My family is supportive and ready to help with open arms, and I want it but I don’t want it to be undesired by him, the weight of this decision is mainly on me. He doesn’t want a baby, and he isn’t ready and he’s made that clear, he says he’ll do what he has to do cause he isn’t scummy & he won’t be a deadbeat, but I don’t want the resentment. But I don’t want to resent him if I get rid of it.