
Danielle • Wife and mother of 3 with baby due in November!

I got pregnant last summer but lost it at 8 weeks the day before my birthday. I was scared the whole time cause it took forever for my lines to get darker. We got to hear the heartbeat and everything but i still lost it. I would have been due this week. This past weekend my 6 yr old was talking bout the baby in my belly. So monday i took a test and was so shocked it was positive. When i took another test the day after it was a whole lot darker. My fiance and i are so very excited. We are getting married in 3 months. Its not the best timing but we are still thrilled. I also just got diagnosed with the flu and pneumonia which im glad i know im pregnant so i didnt take any ibuprofen. Im now due a week before my 6 yr olds birthday! I cant wait! God is good!