Did labor progress quicker with your second pregnancy?


I’ve heard so many times that your second L&D advances more quickly than your first, even from doctors. This obviously isn’t always the case, but is this usually true?

With my first pregnancy, my water started leaking at 37+4. I woke up, and my shorts and undies were wet. I knew right away it was my water, so I called the hospital. They told me to come in the next day if it still feels like it’s leaking. Of course it was still leaking the next day, so I went in and they hooked me up to the monitors. The nurse said to me, “Why are you here? You’re not having contractions.” I explained that I thought my water had broke, so she swabbed me and tested it. Sure enough I was leaking amniotic fluid. They induced me, and I had my daughter at 37+6. From the time I was induced to the time my baby girl arrived was about 24 hours. I’m hoping to have a more natural birth this time around as well as quicker. It was exhausting! I don’t think I slept at all when I was in labor😳

Also, I always wonder why contractions didn’t start on their own, even after a full day of me leaking amniotic fluid🤔 Has this happened to anyone else?

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