integrating preschools with nursing homes?


i saw an article about this a little bit ago and it seemed like such a sweet idea to me. if you’d like to see the article, google search ‘the preschool inside the nursing home’ and click the link from the atlantic.

my question is, what are your thoughts on this? good idea or bad? would you send your children here, or be happy with a loved one living here in old age?

my thoughts are that this seems so wholesome and like an interesting solution to combat the loneliness some people experience in nursing homes. it also seems like a cool opportunity to expose kids to so many different types of people, conditions, and disabilities. the things i’d worry about are how the kids react to a resident passing, though the article said that didn’t seem to have a significant emotional impact. i’d also be wary of something health related happening while the children are present. i think this is really interesting, though, and would like to see more studies on the impact and everyones experiences. maybe the regulations on the nursing home being broadened to encompass more time and organic relationship forming with the kids, too.