Anxiety over TTC

Emily • I`m 38 TTC#1. I have 3 cysts on my left ovary, a blocked left tube (hydrosalpinx), a blocked right tube and polops on my uterus. Starting round 1 of ivf in Feb/March 2022.

I tried almost 4 years ago to have a baby and failed. That relationship didn't last so I'm kind of glad it didn't happen but now that I'm trying again four years later at the age of 35 I'm having anxiety. I mean if it wasn't happening when I was in my late 20's and early 30's then why would it happen now right?

I've been taking opks. I got a high flashing face yesterday morning and this morning. I BD about 3 hours before I got the flashing smiley on the 13th. I will probably BD tonight and tomorrow night (tech Saturday morning) but I won't be able to on Sunday or Monday. Glow says I'm supposed to ovulate on Sunday but before I used to get a flashing smile for 4 days straight before the solid. I just really hope this works guys. I really want this baby! Thoughts?