Should I have a baby??


This is a very sensitive topic for me but I have no one I can trust to talk to about it. So I’m thinking about having a kid... my boyfriend and I don’t use protection (honestly... surprised I haven’t had a accident pregnancy yet!) but I have been thinking long and hard over this. I just want a little one I can have with me all the time, I hate being alone. I love the fact that I could have a mini me. I really want a girl but I know I can’t choose. I am going through a lot and just really down all the time. I know babies are a huge responsibility but I just feel like it’s a responsibility I want to take on. I’m 21, he’s 23. My boyfriend hates that I have no friends because I’m all alone when he goes out with his. Is this bad I’m thinking like this? Plus I’m ready to feel my reason to even be here. I want to be happy. I really want a baby... I’m just worried about the pain I’ll have to go through those 9 months and labor. But I know once all that’s over in the end I’ll have a sweet baby that’ll be mine, I’ll have my own little family. That’s all I want in this life.