Delivered at 40+5 days


Been having practice contractions for 2 weeks. Had a membrane sweep at 1 cm at 40 weeks on Friday. Didn't progress at all Monday. I started losing my mucous plug Tuesday and by Wednesday 1am I started having contractions 10 mins apart. Got them close to 7 mins apart and drove to the hospital at 5am. This is my second child and we live 40 mins away.

In triage, I measured 3 cm and was given the option to go home or stay and get induced if I didn't progress in 2 hours. We chose the latter since I am over 35 years old and was getting induced at 41 weeks anyway.

Got admitted and 2 hours later at 8am, no progress, so got pitocin. Started slow but by noon, I really wanted the epidural. That helped so much and I could nap. At 2am, I was at 6 cm. At 4 pm, I was at 8 cm. They broke my water and that immediately got me to fully dialated. I started pushing. There was no pain but so much burning and pressure. She came out in 20 mins and picturing her in my arms helped with each push. For reference we have a 3 year old and he was 41+2 weeks, induced and didn't dialate fully until 36 hours later, pushed for 4 hours.