My delivery story!


I had my baby boy on 3/1! I went in for scheduled induction for PIH/Preeclampsia. Little did I know what I was ahead of me. We had to have an emergency vacuum assist (section was too risky for baby as he was almost crowning). He had shoulder dystocia and was just too big for me. I suffered a 4th degree tear & had a severe PP hemorrhage. My repair took 2hours & I lost over 1500mls of blood. Everyone said it looked like a murder scene. They had a bag trying to catch my blood. I had 3 blood transfusions, got bolused 6x, was on vasopressors...My kidneys began to quit making urine & shut down. I got nauseous and was in and out of consciousness. Then my baby was taken from me at about 10 hrs after birth for hypoglycemia and resp issues.

It was crazy and I am still taking it all in after such a near death experience. Forever thankful for my doctor, she was amazing through it all. But now I have a pretty great story!