Feeling a disconnect between me and my fiancé

I don’t know if it’s my pregnancy or what, but I just feel like a complete disconnect with him lately. Like, he’s snappy with me, doesn’t really talk much, I’ll ask a simple question and just get “I don’t care” or “I don’t know..”

its really getting to me. Not sure if it’s the hormones making me feel sensitive or what but I’m just super paranoid he’s not attracted to me anymore or doesn’t want to be with me. Mind you, we have an almost 3 year old whom I take care of during the day and I’m 32 weeks pregnant with our second. He pushed for both of them and it’s like now that he’s got them, I’m like, chopped liver. Again, could just be hormones making me feel that way.

Is anyone else experiencing the same waves of emotion like this? I legit just broke down in the bathroom over it because it’s just building up as this pregnancy goes on.

I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore so I can go back to looking like my normal self because that is what is making me feel so poorly and thinking he sees the same and isn’t happy with it (the weight I’ve gained).