Birth story -


This was my second pregnancy! My first went 9 days overdue and same with this babe came exactly at 9 days over!

I was trying everything, sex, bouncing, walking, membrane sweeps and nothing was moving her on her way. On Friday morning (March 15) my midwife gave me the midwife cocktail. She said things can progress fast so be ready! I was 3 to 4cm dilated the day before so already enough to be admitted if contractions started.

Around 10am I started getting some uncomfortable contractions, and we decided to go to the store to walk around and get my mind off of it. We had to leave and I came home at 11am and went to lie in bed to make sure these contractions weren’t false! I called my midwife telling her they were about 4 mins apart but up and down still. I was in denial thinking they are going to fizzle away. At 12:09pm I called my midwife back and said they are 2 mins apart and now the pain is making me cry. She told me to get to the hospital to get checked.

I came to triage and she checked me around 12:45 and I was 5cm dilated and waters bulging. They admitted me and was getting my room ready. While walking to our room, I was in so much pain and felt like so much pressure. I didn’t think I could do it anymore. I felt so much pressure my water broke everywhere in the hallway and I felt the baby coming!!

I was in the hallway and they had to drag me into the room telling me I needed to get on the bed before the baby came out. I was in total shock. My midwife said I went from 5cm to 10cm within 3 minutes in the hallway, and now ready to push.

I pushed for about 25 minutes, took me some time to actually wrap my head around that it was time! She was born at 1:29pm 😀 1st degree tear and only a couple stitches which was nice.

So happy it went super fast but also shocking.