What does that MEAN!!


So the guy I currently think I like and I are going to the movies tonight! I asked him yesterday and we figured it out! Sooo it’s not a date because he has a gf! And his gf is one of my close friends! But we really have only been texting and FaceTiming for like 18 hours. ALSO one of the questions he asked me was “what friends” like what friends were I planning on inviting! And I did think about inviting friends but neither of us could think of anyone so we are going just the two of us!!! ALSO when we were learning about each other I said I wanted a boyfriend taller than me so I can wear his hoodies and he can put his chin on head! Weird I know!! But so I said all the guys in our grade were short and he goes “I’m tall” and I go “duh but you have a gf” sooo I’m just kinda thinking he was implying that he likes me a little bit I’m not sure! HELP!!!

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