My long birth story 🧡


I am still in shock I was able to get the VBAC I wanted! I had a very stressful pregnancy dealing with morning sickness until 22 weeks, developed GD around 30 weeks and then had to do twice weekly appointments from 34 weeks. I was extremely depressed I was angry with my body and the pregnancy. I cried daily and began to just hate having to live the way I was. In the last two weeks she began to have a high heart rate which resulted in three trips up to L&D, I was beginning to worry not knowing exactly why she was so turnt up. Then in this last week I had food poisoning on Monday which I feel is what kick started my labor and sure enough the contractions kicked up and by Wednesday night I was uncomfortable fast forward to Thursday morning 4am we make our way to the hospital I’m at 4cm get admitted I’m laboring without any pain relief then it got real around 7cm and I’m hollering for some relief they gave a dose of IV meds which hardly did anything so I’m literally screaming for an epidural 20 mins later I get one and right after I begin to feel the urge to push (mind you it hasn’t even kicked in yet) I get checked I’m at 9cm I’m unable to fight the urge to push finally doc comes in and I’m at the full 10. They get me set up and I push for 10 mins if that and I start screaming feeling her crown and next thing I know I feel her slide out. I had the stupidest look on my face because I couldn’t believe I just pushed an entire human out of my body I laid there speechless and only managed to say “I did it”. I am so happy I had a safe uncomplicated delivery and stuck to my guns because the doctor asked me a few times if I was sure I wanted a VBAC which was discouraging because they threatened me with one cause of her heart rate but luckily my body labored quickly and got her out. I can’t believe all the negative feelings I had my whole pregnancy because she’s just a beautiful little peanut she was 6lbs 11oz 20in long born at 37+5 on 3/14/19

Neiani Celine 🧡

This was right after I had her

Her this morning we were able to come home after 24 hours❤️