April baby -March baby


On Wednesday morning at 4:00 am I was scheduled for a induction, everything got started about 5:00 am. And I was only 1 cm.

Everything went great about 12:00 pm I was around a 3 and still a bit thick.

I got the epidural about 2:00 pm.

Everything started to move along. Around 8:00 I was between a 5-6.

I got checked again, 8:45 and I was a full 6, wasn’t but a few minutes longer I had the urge to poop and literally that was the only thing that was killing me was my butt. That went on around 10 minutes and I told them it was time, she looked at me a bit funny since she just checked me. But she did again and I was a 10. They all kept saying how fast in just 10 minutes I went 4cm.

I pushed only 2-3 times only a couple minutes and he flew out.

Exactly at 37 weeks

He weighed 6Ib 13 oz

Born March 13th

At 9:13 pm.

His original due date was April 3.

I only held my baby for a few minutes because he wasn’t breathing great. He got sent to a different hospital within a couple hours. I also got discharged 6 hours after having him and was on my feet 2-3 hours after having him and it’s been non stop.

His lungs are premature and having a horrible time still and no improvement.

Our little Dawson Laine 💚

His little face is so swollen.