So. Many. Questions. Please help.


So unfortunately our fertility specialist told us we really only have 2 options. We’re going to try up to 2 cycles of <a href="">IUI</a> (at $1000 a pop) and if those fail we will begin <a href="">IVF</a> (at $14,000 a pop!). I have so many questions I forget to ask at appointments so here we go:

•We have Tricare insurance via the military which covers 0% in Colorado. Are there any secondary insurance policies that could bring that $14k down?? Any suggestion is helpful!!

•Is the $14k for one cycle? So if it doesn’t take the first time do we have to come up with another $14k??

•Any helpful tips/advice for improving male factor infertility? He has good motility and morphology, but very low volume and sperm count.

•For those of you who endured <a href="">IVF</a>, how did you finance it? We have some savings and could make payments, but can’t front the $14k right now.

•Are there any military programs that can help with assisted fertility finances?

•He is approaching reenlistment, and we’re hoping we can have some say in our next duty station. What army posts have good assisted fertility options? We’re at Ft Carson, CO. There are a few offices around here and I’m hoping our next home has some options.

•FINALLY: how did you survive infertility or <a href="">IVF</a>??? We’ve being doing this over 2 years now and sometimes I feel like I can’t endure anymore emotionally/physically/mentally... it’s rough.

Any and ALL advice is welcome!!! We are determined to bring home a baby despite the rough road ahead. Please share your experiences and advice! It is so appreciated 😊