New to this...


I was diagnosed with HSV 2 in September and have had back to back out breaks since then.

I live a High stress life I’m a full time welder, I bartend on weekends, going to school a couple nights a week and running my own business on the side, and I have tried to not let it effect me but I do not cope well with the out breaks, they make me stress more. Working a lot keeps my mind busy I do make “me time” for rest and pampering and sleep.

I am also a living kidney donor so I cannot take the meds regularly just for when I have out breaks which seem very frequent. I also cannot take lysine some how directly effects your kidney(s).

So is there some triggers you ladies have found to try and avoid? I rarely drink because I can’t process the alcohol I’m a one and hammered kind of chick. So that’s a rarity. I have noticed my period is deff a huge trigger, or since its winter in glorious upstate New York when I’m sick. My immune system is shot.

I’m rambling because I just feel lost. My bf is also HSV2 positive and is super supportive when I’m having my melt downs.

Will the out breaks slow down? Since I’m still in my first year?

Is there any herbal or natural supplements that anyone has had help or work?

Any suggestions would be helpful ❤️