Lock on bathroom door?


My son is getting too smart! He can open all doors and the best room to sneak in to is of course the bathroom. He'll go in and turn on the washing machine, wash his hands, get his toothbrush, put on toothpaste, turn on the water and brush his teeth, get his baby bathtub, put it in the shower and turn on the water, get toilet paper and throw it in the toilet, climb up on the toilet and flush, use the toilet brush in the toilet... You name it. He's so so fast too and even though it's amazing what he can do I also feel like it's an accident waiting to happen, especially since it's the bathroom and if the floor is wet it's easy to slip. Do you have some kind of lock on your bathroom door to stop your little ones? As for now I try to remember to put the stroller in front of the bathroom door so he can't open it 😓