Just had the talk 😳


So I was literally telling my husband how happy I was, and how I feel good about waiting a while before having another baby... We have 2 boys, 4 and 20 months. Told him I was happy to just be us for a while and have fun.

Then there was super silence 😂

Then I look at him and was like WHAT?! You changed your mind?!

Haha So then we had a good long chat and decided we’re going to start trying 🤣

Life gets crazy... Why not make it more crazy.

To all the people who may say don’t let my husband pressure me into having another baby, he’s not. I’ve been wanting another one for a while now but he wasn’t quite on board 😋 So I guess as I was prepping my mind for waiting a while, he was prepping his to having another! Too funny.

Yay us! *Happy BabyDancing Everyone!*