I just quit my job 😯

This is a long post.

I am not proud of the way it happened but it was something that needed to be done. I was with the company for over 10 years in a few different locations (restauraunt job) I started when I was 18 as a server and for the last three years I have been a manager with the company. When I started, I loved it. It was something different everyday and I was making good money. Fast forward 7 years. I still loved it and decided the best move for me was to go into management, so I did. It was a Rocky start getting to know all of the different aspects of management and having to change my mindset to view things differently than I had the past 7 years. I knew a lot about the company which made the transition earlier for me.

Two years ago, I started at a new location as a manager because the other location I was working at had closed. Things were going good and I was fitting in there, until about a year ago. Our kitchen manager got fired and our general manager put me in charge of the kitchen duties. Ordering the food, making the schedules and maintaining the clean kitchen, all of which I had done before, just not on such a large scale.

I had taken a weekend off to go to my friend's wedding in the beginning of October and in that weekend, 5 of our cooks quit or got fired. I came back to slight chaos and a severely understaffed kitchen. I knew that meant longer hours and cooking almost every shift, which I had no problem with as I was kitchen manager. We stayed understaffed for a a few long weeks, all the while our gm was telling me that I wasnt doing enough and the things that I was doing weren't good enough. On November 7th, I found out I was pregnant. My whole world changed. I knew I couldn't be working those long hours on my feet and being in a very hot and stressful kitchen. I made the decision to step down from my kitchen manager role. I spoke with the gm and he agreed it would be best because I wasn't living up to his expectations anyway. That really was upsetting to hear because I was trying my hardest with the short staffing issue we were having.

Everything changed the day I came out of the kitchen. His attitude towards me, the other managers attitude towards me. I started getting written up for every little thing, he changed my schedule from opening 3 days a week to closing 4 out of 5 shifts I worked. I never opened anymore, and I was still counting inventory every week being there until almost 4 in the morning by myself every Tuesday. (the kitchen managers job) It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, it wasn't good enough and I was getting in trouble for it, even if it was something that another manager had done as well. I talked to his boss about the schedule andand inventory and she said she would look at it and see what she could do. That was in January. Nothing changed about the schedule or inventory for another month. In February we had manager reviews. Again, I brought up the schedule and inventory because it was an issue to me. Again they said they would look at it, and again nothing changed. In the review they brought up that I was not the 'same go getter' that I had previously been and I explained that it is harder to do all the things that need to get done while being pregnant. I couldn't lift the things I used to, some days were emotionally harder than others (Thanks hormones).

I tired harder after the review hoping that next months schedule would be more varied and not just closing. March schedule came out and I was still scheduled for inventory every week and the last two weeks of the schedule, I closed 5 days a week instead of the 4 I had previously been doing. I was very upset and felt like I was being pushed out the door. It had been three months of requesting something to change and it only got worse.

Yesterday was the final straw and what drove me to make the ultimate decision that I made. The managers frequently cover shifts in other stores in our franchise when people are on vacation. I have done so in the past and it was never an issue. Our new schedule for this month came out and I was not scheduled for 4 days. (we get two days off a week). I had asked our gm if the schedule was finished and he said yes. I didn't think any more on the 4 days off. I figured he knew I was having trouble, being 6 months pregnant at this time, and just didn't schedule me. Yesterday I am enjoying my day off, planted a couple hydrangea bushes and took nap at 3. I got a text a 3:30 asking if I was on the way to another store. I said no, I am working there friday. He told me no, you work there today, tomorrow and Friday. I told him I was never told that. And he texted back 'yes, you were' I would remember any conversation abiut having to go to another store because I do not enjoy it, but I will do it. There was never a time that he came to me and told me I was scheduled there or that I was even needed to go to a different store and cover shifts. I called his boss and explained this to her and she said 'I don't know what happened' and that I needed to go there now to close. This store is over an hour away. I got off the phone with her and I thought about it long and hard. My boyfriend was with me during that conversation and thought that it was some bull crap that I was never told and that this seemed strange. My gm and his boss were both at my home store when I had called and talked to her. I felt like I was a being set up and that he wouldn't own up to his mistake that he never told me about this coverage. He would never admit to being wrong, that's the type of person he is. I made the ultimate decision to quit, right then. It was not at all the way that I wanted to and I am not proud of the way that I did it. I felt like I had put up with a lot of poor treatment since I got pregnant and made the decision to step down. It was brought to the attention of higher management and never got reselved. This is not the first time this gm has caused another manager to quit. I have called HR and let them know about everything that had been happenning and the way I felt I was being treated unfairly. There are a lot of employees that would see that i was being treated different from the other managers and they asked me why it was.

I know the way I quit was wrong, but I felt I was being pushed to quit. I am still very upset about everything. Being with the company 10 years, it was all I knew. And now I have to start over.

Thank you for reading this far, I know it was a lot. There is a lot more that didn't get put in here, but it was long enough. Any input is welcomed.