3 months later and heres my story


On december 6th 2018, i was 41 weeks pregnant. I went in for a check at my ob office knowing my induction was to be the following day. My ob told us to come in that night for cervidil and 12 hr monitoring before hand because i was still only 1cm and 50%effaced.

We got to the hospital around 7pm and got all checked in and comfy for what we thought was going to be a long night. Around 8pm the nurse inserted the cervidil, and hooked all of my monitors up. Got my iv in for medications and told us that she would be back in a couple hours to check my progress.

At 9pm my wife rang in the nurse as contractions had started and were beginging to become more frequent and stronger. She checked me and i was at 3cm and quite obviously starting labor at that point. Within the next hour my contractions got even stronger and about 1 1/2 mins apart. My water broke at 10:30pm and my mom made her way in to the hospital. At that point, i knew i needed something for pain. When the nurse checked me she told me it was too late! Youre going without hunny! I was now at 8cm and my body was beginging to take over.

11pm, my contractions were 30 seconds apart and my body was automatically pushing. Best part, my doctor was in an emergency c-secion! I begin to bare down out of my control. Shes coming whether the doctor was there or not. 4 pushed in, she is crowning and my doctor runs through the door ready to catch her. My cervix was stuck on her head as i was not fully dialilated. My doctor fishhooked my cervix out of the way off of her head. Before he could try to prevent me from tearing, it had already happened. One last push and out she came, flying onto my chest and into the world.

There was no cry at first. She came so fast she wasnt cleared of mucus in her lungs. After 10 panicked minutes, she let out the most beautiful sound ive ever heard.

I was going in and out as I lost alot of blood, which the doctor was struggling to stop.

Finally, 75 stitches and no medication later, and a very close call. I had my gorgeous baby girl in my arms 💕💕💕 we are head over heels!

Heres our Ellianna Mae Latour❤