14DPO and BFN still...what gives?😭

C • 1👼🏻TTC #1 👪 Fur Momma 🐕🐕

We suffered a MC 3 days in the beginning of April 2018 before my husband deployed for 13+ months. We had been trying since May 2017. It really sucked to have to try and heal apart. My cycles are pretty much clockwork 28-29 days. He was able to come home for leave the day of Valentine’s Day for a handful of days. According to CB Digital advanced my peak day was 2 days after he left.So fast forward to this week: I’ve been super emotional, headaches, on/off woozy/dizzy , and beyond exhausted. CM is still creamy white(tmi sorry) Some apps say I’m 3 days late, 2 days late, supposed to start today-still nothing.

Sending baby dust to all TTC.

Any ideas ladies?