A question or 2!


So.... I was late for my period last month by like 4 -5 days. I think I ovulated around CD 10-12 this month, but that is very early for me.

1- is it possible I ovulated earlier because my body was following my original cycle had I not been 4 days late ?

Now it’s about 4-5 days after I “ovulated “ and I got what I would describe as classic implementation bleeding. A few hours of brown light pink tinge.

2- is it possible to have IMP bleeding 4-5 after ovulation.

Basically I’m asking if there’s a chance !?!? Or if anyone has experienced something like this! Thanks !!!

This Is month 15 of trying which is why I stopped <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>, Just FYI !