Still shocked/ Irregular cycle


After getting married in October of 2017 my periods went out of whack. Tracking for ovulation was exhausting, so in December of 2018 we decided we were gonna stop trying and stop being bummed about not being pregnant. We planned a trip to Europe for fall of 2019 and I’ve been training for a half marathon in April.... I haven’t had a period since December but what’s new, I’ve gone longer. Well, a couple days ago I took my monthly pregnancy test just to confirm I’m not pregnant and it came back with the darkest line 🤩😳 Turns out my sore boobs haven’t been from sports bras and running, and it wasn’t food poisoning that has made me throw up 😂

We have our first appointment on Wednesday, hopefully everything is perfect and we find out how far along I am!

First two 88 cent ones didn’t convince me, I had to take a few more.