I’m Afraid


I am 38, will be 39 later this year. For the last 3 cycles I have been trying to conceive my first. For these 3 cycles, around 5dpo, I start to experience nasal pressure, not congestion, just like a overpowering sensation in the bridge area of my nose, similar to when my allergies are coming on. This feeling last for hours at a time and last cycle was so severe I had to sit and just relax, hoping to alleviate that pressure. Went to my Doctor but he didn’t offer an explanation as to why I’m experiencing this now.

Has anyone else experience this, and what did it mean for you. When I first experienced it, I got excited thinking it was an early pregnancy symptom, but AF came right on time. So I’m just so worried that it might mean that I may have issues conceiving.

Please anyone!!!!