Doing all of this all over again...


So .. Ive totally been having the "oh crap I'm about to have a newborn" anxiety. But for the first time tonight I thought about the baby food stage. Like jars of carrots. I hate it. And forgetting at what age they should switch to what milestone. And then googling it. Its just hitting me like I have to go through allllllll the milestones AGAIN. For the 3rd time. Breastfeeding to bottle feeding. Taking the binky away. Starting solids. Starting juice or rice cereal. Getting them to hold their own bottle. Getting them to sleep through the night. Getting them to feed themselves. Switching their carseat. Potty training! Blah blah blah. I feel like I JUST did all this with my 2 year old. This helps solidify that I'm done having kids after this one. I can't go through all their firsts again. Not a 4th time. I like the newborn stage. And I like them once they're potty trained. But everything in between is a blur. A very difficult blur.