Hi, it’s me again 😅👋


So i made a post yesterday about my guilt for switching to formula during the day and breastfeeding at night with my 3 week old. I had the most encouraging responses and it really gave me confidence in my decision. Until today.

We did our breastfeeding in the morning and then my son fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up to eat again. So we gave him two ounces and he knocked out for 3 hours. Woke up fussy and ready to eat again. Gave him 3 ounces because he slept longer and he gulped it down but was fussy for more. So i made another ounce. Still not enough. So i made another ounce totaling 5 ounces in one feeding period! And then he was still mildly fussy but fell asleep as we went on a walk. We came home and he was crying for more food. So i thawed 3 ounces of breast milk that i had in the freezer he gulped that down. (This was an hour and a half after the 5 oz of formula)

This boy was STILL crying wanting more! I finally just whipped out my boob and he’s been on it for the last 12 minutes and just passed out milk drunk.

Soo What the heck? Is my baby just insanely hungry? Or is it just going to be harder than i thought to ween off the boob during the day?