Some random psycho 🤦🏼‍♀️

My brother is 18 and was diagnosed with autism when he was about 2. Growing up, he’s had difficulties, but he’s a sweet boy with a heart of gold, which sometimes gets him into trouble with those who don’t. Well, not too long ago, he ended up hanging out with friends and met a mutual friend. Ever since the beginning, she was creepy. Took pictures of him, asked him to add her social medias, etc. but tonight, I guess she tried to bully him into dating her. She messaged my mom and told her that he basically played her (which isn’t true bc my brother is very open that he doesn’t even really care for the idea of relationships) and than told my brother that he “uses his autism as a barrier to hide behind” and that his mental health issues were “being used as an excuse” when he rejected her.

Ik it’s not my business but I remember when we were younger that people would bully and take advantage of him like that. It disgusts me.