“You guys are gonna make some cute babies!”

7:85pm • American girls and American guys, We'll always stand up and salute, We'll always recognize .♥️🤍💙

I’m black and my SO is white. I’m pregnant, and the first thing many people say when seeing us is “yall are gonna make some cute babies!” I also see (very often) that anytime an interracial couple makes an appearance someone has to mention how “cute” their babies are going to be. Like yes. I understand that mixed babies are cute and all but why is it only being said to interracial couples? What’s up with the weird mixed baby fetish? A black baby, a white baby, or any other baby that’s fully one race is just as beautiful. I liked the compliments at first but it’s all getting old 🤦🏽‍♀️. It was cute until it turned into a huge deal. Diversity is beautiful, I love it and I hope it continues to prosper but I’m so over the whole “mixed baby” fetish. It’s annoying .

EDIT: For anyone who seems to be missing the point 🤦🏽‍♀️. In no way, shape or form am I degrading anyone or putting myself on a high horse 😂 I’m simply stating that the obsession over mixed kids is weird. I love love LOVE every race and want my baby to be just as beautiful as the next. Because all babies are beautiful. This is just an example of how people fetishize mixed kids in specific. Yes all races get told this, I didn’t even think I needed to add that part because it’s so obvious that everyone gets told that they are going to have cute babies. but it’s more often told to interracial couples about their “babies” I’m not tearing anyone down I’m just over it all. Like okay it’s a beautiful mixed baby, not a zoo animal, move on.