Anyone else cry during their cervix exam?

vdm • HIE & NICU mama. Nail technician. Interracial family.

I’m being induced tomorrow at 37w and that shit hurt like HELL. I haven’t been able to have sex since I was about 11 weeks due to discomfort and honestly I would cry during sex so we just stopped having it...

I BAWLED and said FUCK pretty loudly while he checked me... I’m not even dilated 😭

He told me we will start with cervadil tomorrow evening and then Wednesday early morning to go ahead and get the epidural and then he will start pitocin immediately after.

I was crying so hard and they will have to do a lot more frequent checks and that thought made me cry even more tbh lol

Someone tell me I’m not the only one who has cried during this exam 😭😭😭