I'm not sure how to feel

So to start off my husband and I after years of trying not to get pregnant are now trying as of January new year ya know! Well still no luck and I know it takes time, but my best friend whom I've known for 20+ years started trying around the same time as we did, she calls me and is pregnant with baby number 2. I am so happy for her and their little family (I mean the kids are my godchildren) but I also cant help feeling sad and hurt a little. I dont want to tell her about my feelings bc this is a happy time for her and I donf want to be a downer, especially as godmother. I've tried to talk to my husband about it but he just keeps telling me give it time hopefully we will be pregnant soon. I honestly just needed to talk to someone but no one else I know personally is TTC I'm the last one of my friends group who hasn't had a baby yet minus one other person but she doesn't want kids so I dont feel right talking to her about it. Maybe I'm just over thinking all of this but I just needed to get all of this off of my chest.