
My boyfriend and I were dating for almost ten months and last week he broke up with me. He has been very stressed about school and homework and he broke up with me because he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with me because of school. He said he can't treeat me the way I deserve to be treated. But I am okay spending less time together, its better than losing him all together.

He made a choice for me that I wouldn't want and know it just hurts. It feels like that moment when glass is about to break, when you can see that a lot of tension is building the moment before it shatters. Thats how I feel. I can't eat, every time I do I throw up. If I think about eating I get nauseous. I can't sleep and if I manage to it feels so restless. I feel like my body is just shutting down, and it really hurts.

I would like to have an actual conversation with him about everything and get on the dame page. I've known him for years and we are currently still talking as friends, but I would like to talk to him about this but I don't know how long to wait. We are both really upset, he has so much anxiety and I can see that he is upset about us. I don't think breaking up was the right choice.