My birth story...... finally (it’s long)


Well, I’m one of those moms who was all for natural birth. My first daughter almost 7 years ago was 4 days (yes, 4 whole days) worth of natural labor and then delivery. So with this baby I was like I want to go naturally and I want to be completely unmedicated. East right? Lol.....

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place because baby was over due and measuring big. First scan they guesstimated her at 8 pounds 12 ounces. Second scan she was at 9 pounds 1 ounce. I was over due at this point and my dr said he can schedule an induction at 41w1d or schedule a csection. I chose to just be induced.

Monday morning I checked into the hospital at 630a. They put cytotec up my vag to soften my cervix. I was 1cm since 38w but my cervix remained hard and long. Once they inserted the pill about 30 minutes later I felt the contractions. They were intense. My husband and I paced and danced around the room to try to not focus on the contractions. It didn’t work.

Time went on and I progressed slowly. By 6 pm I was dilated to about 6 cm and everything was good. I got a pain shot to take the edge off but it didn’t do much. I did have an epidural also because the pain was unbearable. I will tell you why in a minute lol....

The baby’s heart rate started to drop with every contraction. The nurse let me get as comfortable as possible and we held the baby monitor in place to make sure we monitored her closely. As my water leaked out I was joking with my friend in the room telling her to look to make sure I wasn’t crazy it was pouring out. At this point we noticed it was green. The dr came in immediately and called for an emergency csection. The baby had pooped and he didn’t want to waste any time getting her out.

I was immediately wheeled off to a surgery room and given a spinal. I was numb up to my boobs including my arms. My husband joined me shortly and I felt him tugging on my stomach. Most of this part is a blur because I was so high from the spinal and pain medicine. It felt like the dr tugged on me for 20 minutes. I’m sure it was just a few minutes. I heard him call “baby out 38” and he leaned over and said something about her crying.

Next thing I know I’m in a different room and my dr is covered in blood. He’s yelling about stopping the bleeding and nurses are rushing around. Apparently the baby was lodged in so deep he had to use tools to get her out and some how my uterus was bleeding a ridiculous amount Of blood from the inside and also around the uterus. I had a balloon inserted the size of baby to put pressure back into my uterus. Among other crap shoved up my vagina.

The reason the contractions were more painful was because babies head was so far down and lodged in my pelvic. I had a few days in the hospital to recover. A blood transfusion because I lost so much blood. But baby is happy and healthy and that’s all that matters.

Brynlee Raye Ruth || March 18, 2019

9 pounds 5 ounces ;)