Trampoline and Shaken baby syndrome 16 months old


I am a worrier and my boyfriend was jumping on the trampoline with our 16 month old daughter. At first he was doing it calmly but then he got up and fell down harder than anticipated because she found it funny. She flew into the air and I was in there and caught her. She thought it was funny but was crabby after. She didn’t take her evening nap and that could have been why she was crabby as well.

She seems pretty normal besides being a klutz and hitting her head on the floor. She is obviously really tired as she didn’t nap but I want to know Input on 16 month olds and trampolines and whether you think I should be worried or not.

They were jumping on the trampoline around 3:30-4:00.

Should I be worried? Any reassurance would help.