unoticed breech baby😬

courtney • baby boy due in april 2019💙

little baby dawson joined us at 38w3d by emergency c section!!!

On the morning of March 26 i woke up at about 8:30am with contractions 6 minutes apart. I showered and finished packing my hospital bag thinking I had lots of time since he is my first and my mom laboured for more than 20 hours with all of us.😩 at 11am I went to the hospital with contractions 2 mins apart and as i was walking in to get checked my water broke and i was now in unbearable pain!!!! I kept feeling like I NEEDED to push my body was ready to push but the doctor checked me and said I was only 1cm dialated and I cried!! they wanted to send me home and I knew something wasn’t right I did not want to go labor at home I couldn’t stop pushing every time I got a contraction!! My midwife brought in the ob that did an ultrasound and sure enough baby was in the breech position and I was actually fully dialated but they thought I was only 1cm cause his head was so high. by this point I was devastated cause I wanted an all natural birth which I probably would have got if he wasn’t in a breech position:(

Dawson was born at 6lb14oz healthy and that’s all that matters!!💙 I cant get over how much hair he has!!