Trigger Warning


almost 24 hours later and im finally ready to talk about how what would have been our first ultrasound with my second child went.

going to go ahead and add that trigger warning now. it isn't gory but it may still be triggering.

my husband and i were so excited for this baby, already talking names. i should have been 7 weeks today.

they, of course, needed to do the vaginal ultrasound because of how early I am, plus I'm a fatty(it's okay, it's not a dirty word)

there was nothing. just a sac but no fetal pole, no embryo at all.

the technician says the sac looked small for 7 weeks, my doctor came in and tells me it looks like I may have had a blighted ovum and schedules me an ultrasound in two weeks to check and tells me to go the hospital if i start bleeding or cramping. she doesn't look hopeful.

i live in a small town and i know the entire office. no one in the office was hopeful, just kept saying they'd pray for me and they would be thinking of me.

my poor doctor cried with me.

i don't know, im terrified.

it's hard to grasp.

this is not my first miscarriage but it's my first that i wasn't immediately aware of when it happened.

idk, ig there's a small chance I was only 5 weeks but wouldn't they still see something?

has anyone here been through this and had it turn out to just be early?

i don't want to get my hopes up, the situation is just new to me and im not sure what to expect.