I don't remember this with the first 2...


I literally just found out I am pregnant with #3 marking today 4wk 1d. My dd is 6 and my ds is 15months. I really don't recall feeling blah with them. My daughter queasiness didn't set in til 6wks and my son I would say only intermittent. This time I can only deacribe it as coming down with a mild case of the flu. I do have slight cramping amd extremely exhausted. I am averted from food. Nothing sounds good. If I don't snack I get that queasy feeling. My uterus feels more full with extreme bloating...My husband said it sounds like I have the baby virus lol , but I don't remember feeling all this being this early.

Anyone going on their 3rd pregnancy feel the same. I know every pregnancy is different. I guess I just want to feel like I am not losing my mind which comes with 2 kids and a husband.